North Shore Junior Chess Club

Junior Chess Club in West Vanc.
Info (Luc Poitras National Chess Monster, I mean Master) 778.846.0496


 Winter Schedule 2025
Starting Saturday Jan. 18  to March 08  at the United Church 2062 Esquimalt ave WV.
Chess Class 
5:00 to 6:15 for  any Juniors
Fee: $70 for 7 classes or $15 drop-in
( No class on Feb. 15 )
20$ off for 2 kids from the same family
To register email, text or call me (Luc)    778.846.0496

Spring Schedule 2025
Starting Saturday April 26  to June 13  at the United Church 2062 Esquimalt ave WV.
Chess Class 
5:00 to 6:15 for  any Juniors
Fee: $70 for 7 classes or $15 drop-in
( No class on May 17 )
20$ off for 2 kids from the same family
To register email, text or call me (Luc)    778.846.0496

  Winter Schedule 2025
Chess at the WV Rec Centre

Starting Thursday January 20 to Feb. 27 For 6 to 9 y.o. (6:00 to 7:00pm) 
(6 sessions: $105)
Starting Friday January 24 to Feb. 28 For 7 to 9 y.o. (6:00 to 7:00pm)
(6 sessions: $105)
SPRING Schedule 2025
Chess at the WV Rec Centre

Starting Thursday April 11 to May 16 For 6 to 9 y.o. (6:00 to 7:00pm) 
(5 sessions: $87)
Starting Friday April 17 to May 16 For 7 to 10 y.o. (5:15 to 6:15pm)
(6 sessions: $87)

To register and for complete list of chess classes, go to

                        What to expect from the chess club ? The chess club gives an opportunity to kids to play chess against other kids under the supervition from one or two instructors. Group lessons are given through an electronic screen. Beginner and more advanced players get lessons according to their level of understanding. Puzzles are weekly given to each student tailor on their skill.

Hello, myself (Luc) and my chess associates are ready for an other exciting chess season . Hopefully you will join my chess club. Fun guaranteed but I can`t guaranteed the checkmates.