North Shore Junior Chess Club

Junior Chess Club in West Vanc.
Info (Luc Poitras National Chess Monster, I mean Master) 778.846.0496


 Winter Schedule 2025
Starting Saturday Jan. 18  to March 08  at the United Church 2062 Esquimalt ave WV.
Chess Class 
5:00 to 6:15 for  any Juniors
Fee: $70 for 7 classes or $15 drop-in
( No class on Feb. 15 )
20$ off for 2 kids from the same family
To register email, text or call me (Luc)    778.846.0496

Spring Schedule 2025
Starting Saturday April 26  to June 13  at the United Church 2062 Esquimalt ave WV.
Chess Class 
5:00 to 6:15 for  any Juniors
Fee: $70 for 7 classes or $15 drop-in
( No class on May 17 )
20$ off for 2 kids from the same family
To register email, text or call me (Luc)    778.846.0496

  Winter Schedule 2025
Chess at the WV Rec Centre

Starting Thursday January 20 to Feb. 27 For 6 to 9 y.o. (6:00 to 7:00pm) 
(6 sessions: $105)
Starting Friday January 24 to Feb. 28 For 7 to 9 y.o. (6:00 to 7:00pm)
(6 sessions: $105)
SPRING Schedule 2025
Chess at the WV Rec Centre

Starting Thursday April 11 to May 16 For 6 to 9 y.o. (6:00 to 7:00pm) 
(5 sessions: $87)
Starting Friday April 17 to May 16 For 7 to 10 y.o. (5:15 to 6:15pm)
(6 sessions: $87)

To register and for complete list of chess classes, go to

                        What to expect from the chess club ? The chess club gives an opportunity to kids to play chess against other kids under the supervition from one or two instructors. Group lessons are given through an electronic screen. Beginner and more advanced players get lessons according to their level of understanding. Puzzles are weekly given to each student tailor on their skill.

Hello, myself (Luc) and my chess associates are ready for an other exciting chess season . Hopefully you will join my chess club. Fun guaranteed but I can`t guaranteed the checkmates.



        2024 SUMMER CHESS CAMPS FOR KIDS                (In West Vancouver) 

                Chess Is The Game Of Kings And The King Of Games !                   

Come join National Chess Master Luc Poitras for an unique friendly                    
group chess experience. Luc originally from Montreal has been involved                    
with chess for over 20 years. Luc has developed a teaching technic                    
blending old traditional teaching style with new technology to help the                    
young students to stay alert, interested and motivated.     


July 02 to 04 (For 7 to 9 y.o.)
July 09 to 11 (For 6 to 8 y.o)
July 16 to 18 (For 7 to 9 y.o)
July 23 to 25 (For 6 to 8 y.o.)
July 30 to 01 (For 7 to 9 y.o)
August 06 to 8 (For 6 to 8 y.o.)

Extra info at the link below:

Chess is not as Easy

As Surfing

But safer as exploring the Jungle


Chess Champions Feb 2014.jpg

Studies in cognitive neuroscience indicate that the game of chess has a number of cognitive benefits in children.  An exercise of infinite possibilities for the mind, chess develops mental abilities used throughout life.  Some cognitive benefits of the game of chess include:
Chess boosts brain power in kids
Chess has shown to enhance the analytical, critical thinking, and visualization skills of students in elementary through high school….and did you know that the skills of students in the third grade were particularly impacted?  This is attributed to the rapid development of children in these age groups.
Chess improves IQ
One study revealed that children who took chess classes for 4 ½ months increased their IQ points.  Researchers attributed this to the concentration and logical thinking called for in the game.

Chess enhances arithmetic skills
Chess play has also been linked to the improvement of a child’s mathematical skills. These results have been attributed to the influence of chess on perceptual ability, which is a child’s capacity to deal and provide meaning to sensory stimulus.  As well, other studies reveal that objective reasoning, or the ability to think a few steps ahead, as the major reason why chess players demonstrate proficiency in math.
Chess hones verbal skills
So how does chess enhance verbal skills, despite the absence of words or verbal communication in the game?  One researcher believed that chess improves verbal skills since it utilizes all the abilities of an individual, or faculties of the mind (mathematical and administrative-directional tasks) whenever the game is played. Interesting result!
Chess sharpens critical thinking skills
It is not surprising that studies indicated enhancement of a child’s  critical thinking and good judgment skills with the playing of chess.
Chess boosts emotional intelligence and psycho-social skills
Intelligence is not merely measured by IQ points; emotional intelligence plays a big role as well.  Emotional Intelligence, or EI, is defined as the person’s ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions. Regardless of race and socioeconomic status, chess has been shown to improve EI as well as psycho-social skills.
Chess works because it is self-motivating.  The game has fascinated humans for almost 2000 years, and through the goals of attach and defense culminating in checkmate, the game calls for mental acuity and perceptiveness among many other skills. 
Congratulations to our Ridgeview Chess Team for their recent second place finish at the North Shore Regional Tournament. Ridgeview teammates include:  grade 6 students Jeremy, Noel, May, Philip, and Naomi and grade 4 student Brendan.  Congratulations to all!

Queen Capture

Answers for Queen Capture:
Level Beginner
1) Qxc8 (Queen captures rook on square c8)          2) Qxf3 (Queen captures knight on square f3)
3) Qxg4 (Queen captures pawn on g4)                    4) Qxg4 (Queen captures bishop on g4)
Queen Capture: Level Beginner (b)
1) Qxd7 (Queen captures queen on square d7)        2) Qxe8 (Queen captures rook on square e8)
3) Qxa4 (Queen captures bishop on square a4)        4) Qxd8 (Queen captures rook on square e8)
5) Qxa4 (Queen captures queen on square a4)         6) Qxb3 (Queen captures knight on square b3)
7) Qxb8+ (Queen captures rook check on b8)         8) Qxa7 (Queen captures pawn on aquare a7)
Queen Capture: Level Beginner (c)
1) Qxh5 (Queen captures pawn on square h5)           2) Qxa6  (Queen captures queen on square a6)
3) Qxb2 (Queen captures bishop on square b2)         4) Qxh5 (Queen captures knight on square h5)
5) Qxg6 (Queen captures queen on square g6)           6) Qxa8 (Queen captures rook on square a8)
7) Qxh6 (Queen captures queen on square h6)           8) Qxb7 (Queen captures pawn on square b7)
Queen Capture: Level Beginner (d)
1) Qxc3 (Queen captures knight on square c3)         2) Qxf7+ (Queen captures knight f7 check)
3) Qxd6 (Queen captures pawn on square d6)          4) Qxh6+ (Queen captures pawn h6 check)
5) Qxc8+ (Queen captures rook c8 check)               6) Qxa7 (Queen captures queen on square a7)
7) Qxa7 (Queen captures pawn on square a7)           8) Qxh4 (Queen captures knight on square h4)
Queen Capture: Level Intermediate
1) Qxb7+ (Queen captures pawn b7 check)               2) Qxa3 (Queen captures bishop on square a3)
3) Qxe2 (Queen captures queen on square e2)            4) Qxe4+ (Queen captures knight e4 check)
5) Qaxg7# (Queen from a7 checkmate on g7)             6) Qxe4 (Queen captures knight e4)
7) Qxf5+ (Queen captures pawn f5 check)
Queen Capture: Level Intermediate (b)
1) Qxe6+ (Queen captures bishop e6 check)                2) Qxa5+ (Queen captures queen a5 check)
3) Qxa1# (Queen captures bishop a1 checkmate)         4) Qxe7# (Queen captures pawn e7 checkmate)
5) Qxe7+ (Queen captures pawn e7 check)                  6) Qxa5 (Queen captures knight on square a5)
7) Qxh8# (Queen captures bishop h8 checkmate)
Queen Capture: Level Advanced
1) Qxd4 (Queen capture pawn on square d4)              2) Qxb8+ (Queen captures bishop b8 check)
3) Qxc5 (Queen captures knight on square c5)            4) Qxc3 (Queen captures bishop on square c3)
5) Qxg7# (Queen captures bishop g7 checkmate)        6) Qxh5 (Queen captures rook on square h5)
7) Qxg6+ (Queen captures pawn g6 check)

Pawn Capture

Answers for Pawn capture:
Level Beginner:
1. hxg5 (Pawn from h captures knight on square g5)  2. cxb6 (Pawn from c captures queen on square b6)
3. fxe4 (Pawn from f captures rook on square e4)      4. bxc6 (Pawn from b captures bishop on c6)
Level Beginner (b):
1. cxb5 (Pawn captures bishop on square b5)            2. bxa6 (Pawn captures queen on square a6)
3. bxa7 (Pawn captures pawn on square a7)              4. gxf6 (Pawn captures knight on square f6)
5. exd5 (Pawn captures rook on square d5)               6. bxc6 (Pawn captures queen on c6)
7. bxa8 (Pawn captures rook on square a8)               8. cxb6 (Pawn captures rook on b6)
Level Beginner (c)
1. fxg4 (Pawn captures bishop on square g4)             2. bxc7 (Pawn captures queen on square c7)
3. axb5 (Pawn captures pawn on square b5)              4. gxh5 (Pawn captures queen on sqaure h5)
5. bxa8 (Pawn captures rook on square a8)               6. axb6 (Pawn captures pawn on square b6)
7. hxg7 (Pawn captures knight on square g7)              8. gxh5 (Pawn captures knight on square h5)
Level Intermediate (a)
1. bxa5 (Pawn captures queen on square a5)             2. hxg6 (Pawn captures pawn on square g6)
3. bxc8 (Pawn captures bishop on square c8)            4. exf6 (Pawn captures rook on square f6)
5. dxc5 (Pawn captures queen on square c5)             6. exd6 (Pawn captures bishop on square d6)
7. bxa8 (Pawn captures rook on square a8)               8. bxa5 (Pawn captures bishop on square a5)
Level Intermediate (b)
1. gxf6 (Pawn capture bishop on square f6)                2. fxg6 (Pawn captures rook on square g6)
3. hxg7 (Pawn captures rook on square g7)                4. dxc7 (Pawn capture queen on square c7)
5. b(or) dxc5+ (Pawn captures pawn on c5 check)      6. exf7+ (Pawn captures pawn on f7 check)
7. gxa4 (Pawn captures queen on a4)                          8. exf8+ (Pawn captures knight on f8 check)

Rook Capture

Answers for Rook Capture:
Level Beginner (a)
1. Rxb3 (Rook captures pawn on square b3)                  2. Rxb8+ (Rook captures queen b8 check)
3. Rxa1 (Rook captures bishop on square a1)                 4. Rxa5 (Rook captures pawn on square a5)
Level Beginner (b)
1. Rxa7 (Rook captures pawn on square a7)                   2. Rxg2 (Rook captures pawn on square g2)
3. Rxf7 (Rook captures queen on square f7)                    4. Rxd1 (Rook captures knight on square d1)
5. Rxh6+ (Rook captures queen h6 check)                      6. Rxe8+ (Rook captures rook e8 check)
7. Rxb6 (Rook captures pawn on square b6)                   8. Rxg6 (Rook captures pawn on square g6)
Level Beginner (c)
1. Rxc2 (Rook captures rook on square c2)                    2. Rxh6 (Rook captures queen on square h6)
3. Rxe7 (Rook captures rook on square e7)                    4. Rxg6 (Rook captures pawn on square g6)
5. Rxf4 (Rook captures pawn on square f4)                    6. Rxd6 (Rook captures pawn on square d6)
7. Rxh5 (Rook captures bishop on square h5)                 8. Rxb6 (Rook captures bishop on square b6)
Level Intermediate (a)
1. Rxa3 (Rook captures rook on square a3)                    2. Rxh4 (Rook captures queen on square h4)
3. Rxb2 (Rook captures pawn on square b2)                  4. Rxf4 (Rook captures pawn on square f4)
5. Rxb5 (Rook captures bishop on square b5)                 6. Rxg6 (Rook captures pawn on square g6)
7. Rxb4 (Rook captures pawn on square b4)                   8. Rxa1 (Rook captures queen on square a1)
Level Intermediate (b)
1. Rxh5 (Rook captures knight on square h5)                  2. Rxb6 (Rook captures pawn on square b6)
3. Rxa8 (Rook captures queen on square a8)                  4. Rxb3 (Rook captures bishop on square b3)
5. Rxc8+ (Rook captures bishop c8 check)                     6. Raxd7 (Rook from a7 captures knight d7)
7. Rxe2 (Rook captures pawn on square e2)                    8. Rxg6+ (Rook captures pawn g6 check)
Level Advanced
1. Rxb4 (Rook captures queen on square b4)                  2. Rxc2 (Rook captures knight on square c2)
3. Rxc3 (Rook captures rook on square c3)                    4. Rxa2 (Rook captures rook on square a2)
5. Rxg7+ (Rook captures bishop g7 check)                     6. Rxf7+ (Rook captures pawn f7 check)
7. Rxf5 (Rook captures pawn on square f5)                     8. Rxh4 (Rook captures bishop on square h4)

Bishop Capture

Answers for Bishop capture:
Level Beginner (a)
1. Bxh7 (Bishop captures pawn on square h7)           2. Bxg1 (Bishop captures queen on square g1)
3. Bxa8 (Bishop captures rook on square a1)            4. Bxc8 (Bishop captures rook on square c8)
Level Beginner (b)
1. Bxh6 (Bishop captures pawn on square h6)            2. Bxc6 (Bishop captures bishop on square c6)
3. Bxa6 (Bishop captures queen on square a6)            4. Bxf6+ (bishop captures pawn f6 check)
5. Bxb7+ (Bishop captures queen b7 check)              6. Bxc6 (Bishop captures rook on square c6
7. Bxa6 (Bishop captures bishop on square a6)           8. Bxd8 (Bishop captures rook on square d8)
Level Beginner (c)
1. Bxh6 (Bishop captures pawn on square h6)             2. Bxa8 (Bishop captures bishop on square a8)
3. Bxa7 (Bishop captures pawn on square a7)             4. Bxh2 (Bishop captures queen on square h2)
5. Bxd8 (Bishop captures knight on square d8)            6. Bxh7+ (Bishop captures rook h7 check)
7. Bxa7 (Bishop captures rook on square a7)              8. Bxf7 (Bishop captures rook on square f7)
Level Intermediate (a)
1. Bxe6+ (Bishop captures pawn e6 check)                 2. Bxh6 (Bishop captures queen on square h6)
3. Bxg3 (Bishop captures rook on square g3)               4. Bxe4 (Bishop captures knight on square e4)
5. Bxd6 (Bishop captures pawn on square d6)               6. Bxh4 (Bishop captures queen on square h4)
 7. Bxf6+ (Bishop captures pawn f6 check)                    8. Bxf3 (Bishop captures knight on square f3)
Level Intermediate (b)
1. Bxc1 (Bishop captures rook on square c1)                2. Bxh6 (Bishop captures rook on square h6)
3. Bxc8 (Bishop captures queen on square c8)               4. Bxf2 (Bishop captures knight on square f2)
5. Bxb2 (Bishop captures bishop on square b2)            6. Bxb5 (Bishop captures knight on square b5)
7. Bxh1 (Bishop captures queen on square h1)               8. Bxa5 (Bishop captures pawn on square a5)   
Level Advanced
1. Bxg7+ (Bishop captures bishop g7 check)                 2. Bxh2 (Bishop captures pawn on square h2)
3. Bxa2 (Bishop captures bishop on square a2)             4. Bxb7 (Bishop captures bishop on square b7)
5. Bxf7 (Bishop captures rook on square f7)                  6. Bxb7 (Bishop captures bishop on square b7)
7. Bxg8 (Bishop captures queen on square g8)

Knight Capture

Answers for Knight Capture:
Level Beginner (a)
1. Nxc3 (Knight captures bishop on square c3)               2. Nxf6+ (Knight captures pawn f6 check)
3. Nxh5 (Knight captures queen on square h5)                4. Nxc7 (Knight captures pawn on square c7)
Level Beginner (b)
1. Nxc4 (Knight captures pawn on square c4)                 2. Nxd3 (Knight captures queen on square d3)
3. Nxc6 (Knight captures bishop on square c6)                4. Nxb8 (Knight captures queen on square b8)
5. Nxd3 (Knight captures rook on square d3)                  6. Nxf7+ (Knight captures pawn f7 check)
7. Nxd7 (knight captures rook on square d7)                    8. Nxh7+ (Knight captures pawn h7 check)
Level Beginner (c)
1. Nxb4 (Knight captures pawn on square b4)                  2. Nxc8 (Knight captures rook on square c8)
3. Nxf4 (Knight captures queen on square f4)                   4. Nxd7+ (Knight captures knight d7 check)
5. Nxb7 (Knight captures bishop on square b7)                6. Nxh3 (Knight captures pawn on square h3)
7. Nxd4 (Knight captures rook on square d4)                   8. Nxa3 (Knight captures pawn on square a3)
Level Intermediate (a)
1. Nxg6 (Knight captures pawn on square g6)                  2. Nxa8 (Knight captures rook on square a8)
3. Nxe4 (Knight captures bishop on square e4)                 4. Nxg7# (Knight captures pawn g7 checkmate)
5. Nxe7+ (Knight captures pawn e7 check)                      6. Nxd6 (Knight captures queen on square d6)
7. Nxb6 (Knight captures knight on square b6)                 8. Nxa8 (Knight captures rook on square a8)
Level Intermediate (b)
1. Nxb5 (Knight captures bishop on square b5)                2. Nxg7+ (Knight captures pawn g7 check)
3. Nxe5 (Knight captures queen on square e5)                  4. Nxe6+ (Knight captures rook e6 check)
5. Nxg4 (Knight captures bishop on square g4)                 6. Nxc3 (Knight captures pawn on square c3)
7. Nxd4 (Knight captures rook on square d4)
Level Advanced
1. Nxd7+ (Knight captures pawn d7 check)                      2. Nxh6+ (Knight captures pawn h6 check)
3. Nxa4 (Knight capture queen on square on a4)               4. Nxf2 (Knight captures pawn on square f2)
5. Nxg4 (Knight captures pawn on square g4)                   6. Nxh6+ (Knight captures pawn h6 check)
7. Nxf7+ (Knight captures pawn f7 check)


Answers for getting the King out of check
Level Beginner (a)
1. Rf2 (Rook moves down to square f2)                     2. Kxe1 (King captures rook on square e1)
3. Kg2 (King moves to square g2)                             4. Kxh2 (King captures queen on square h2)
Level Beginner (b)
1. Kxd1 (King captures queen on square d1)              2. c3 (Pawn moves up to square c3)
3. Nxd1 (Knight captures queen on square d1)           4. R(or)Be1 (Rook or Bishop to square e1)
5. Nxf2 (Knight captures queen on square f2)             6. Kh2 (King moves up to square h2)
7. Kxh2 (King captures queen on square h2)              8. g3 (Pawn moves up to square g3)
Level Beginner (c)
1. Nxh2 (Knight captures queen on square h2)            2. fxe4 (Pawn captures Bishop on square e4)
3. Nxg4 (Knight captures rook on square g4)              4. Kh1 (King moves to square h1)
5. Kh1 (King moves to sqaure h1)                               6. Nf1 (Knight moves down to square f1)
7. Kh3 (King moves up to square h3)                          8. c4 (Pawn moves up to square c4)
Level Intermediate
1. Nxg5 (Knight captures queen on square g5)             2. Bxb2 (Bishop captures rook on square b2)
3. Kxd4 (King captures pawn on square d4)                4. d5 (Pawn captures uo to square d5)
5. Kc4 (King moves down to square c4)                      6. Nxh5 (Knight captures pawn on square h5)
7. Kxf1 (King captures rook on square f1)                   8. Rxa8 (Rook captures bishop on square a8)
Level Advanced
1. Kxc4 (King captures rook on square c4)                  2. Bxh1 (Bishop captures rook on square h1)
3. f3 (Pawn moves up to square f3)                              4. Rg3 (Rook moves to square g3)
5. Nxf5 (Knight captures queen on square f5)               6. Qf2 (Queen moves down to square f2)
7. Kxd2 (King captures bishop on square d2)               8. Qxe4 (Queen captures bishop on square e4)


Answers for captures:
Level Beginner (a)
1. exd5 (Pawn captures knight on square d5)               2. Rxh3 (Rook captures queen on square h3)
3. Qxa7 (Queen captures pawn on square a7)              4. Nxb8 (Knight captures rook on squareb8)
Level Beginner (b)
1. Rxd7 (Rook captures bishop on square d7)              2. Bxa8 (Bishop captures rook on square a8)
3. Rxh5 (Rook captures pawn on square h5)                 4. Bxd8 (Bishop captures rook on square d8)
5. hxg5 (Pawn captures pawn on square g5)                 6. Bxg5 (Bishop captures knight on square g5)
7. Kxg4 (King captures pawn on square g4)                 8. Qxd8 (Queen captures queen on square d8)
Level Beginner (c)
1. Qxa8 (Queen captures rook on square a8)               2. Nxd6 (Knight captures pawn on square d6)
3. Kxd3 (King captures knight on square d3)                4. Rxf7+ (Rook captures pawn f7 check)
5. Bxg7 (Bishop captures queen on square g7)              6. gxf8+ (Pawn captures rook f8 check)
7. Bxf6 (Bishop captures knight on square f6)               8. Qxf8+ (Queen captures knight f8 check)
Level Beginner (d)
1. Rxf6 (Rook captures knight on square f6)                 2. Bxh6 (Bishop captures pawn on square h6)
3. Rxf8+ (Rook captures queen f8 check)                    4. Bxf8 (Bishop captures rook on square f8)
5. Bxh6 (Bishop captures queen on square h6)             6. Qxe6+ (Queen captures pawn e6 check)
7. hxg6 (Pawn captures pawn on square g6)                 8. Nxa6 (Knight captures queen on square a6)
Level Intermediate (a)
1. Nxc7 (Knight captures knight on square c7)              2. bxc3 (Pawn captures rook on square c3
3. Qxh4 (Queen captures pawn on square h4)               4. Nxh4 (Knight captures queen on square h4)
5. Bxa8 (Bishop captures rook on square a8)                6. gxh7 (Pawn captures rook on square h7)
7. Bxd5+ (Bishop captures bishop d5 check)                8. Bxa5 (Bishop captures pawn on square a5)
Level Intermediate (b)
1. Rxf6 (Rook captures knight on square f6)                  2. Nxa3 (Knight captures rook on square a3)
3. Qxb8 (Queen captures rook on square b8)                4. Qxb7 (Queen captures pawn on square b7)
5. cxb8+ (Pawn captures knight b8 check)                    6. Bxf6+ (Bishop captures bishop f6 check)
7. gxh4 (Pawn captures bishop on square h4)                8. Nxe4 (Knight captures rook on square e4)
Level Intermediate (c)
1. Qxe4 (Queen captures queen on square e4)               2. Bxa6 (Bishop captures rook on square a6)
3. Qxa5 (Queen captures pawn on square a5)                4. gxh5 (Pawn captures queen on square h5)
5. axb7 (Pawn captures pawn on square b7)                  6. Rxf7 (Rook captures pawn on square f7)
7. bxa5 (Pawn captures rook on square a5)                   8. Bxh5 (Bishop captures pawn on square h5)
Level Advanced (a)
1. Rxd6 (Rook captures knight on square d6)                 2. Bxe2 (Bishop captures pawn on square e2)
3. Qxd2 (Queen captures rook on square d2)                4. Qxb7# (Queen captures pawn b7 checkmate)
5. Bxc6+ (Bishop captures bishop c6 check)                  6. Nxg4+ (Knight captures pawn g4 check)
7. Qxa6+ (Queen captures bishop a6 check)
Level Advanced (b)
1. Nxg2 (Knight captures rook on square g2)                  2. Nxf3 (Knight captures knight on square f3)
3. Nxa2 (Knight captures pawn on square a2)                 4. Rxd8+ (Rook captures rook d8 check)
5. Nxg3 (Knight captures pawn on square g3)                  6. Rxd4 (Rook captures knight on square d4)
7. Rbxb6 (Rook from b5 captures pawn b6)


Answers for checking the King:
Level Beginner (a)
1. Ra8# (Rook moves up to a8 checkmate)                             2. Bb5+ (Bishop moves up to square b5)
3. Qd8# (Queen moves up to d8 checkmate)                          4. Qh5# (Queen moves up to h5 checkmate)
5. Qxf7# (Queen captures pawn f7 checkmate)                       6. a8# (Pawn moves up to a8 checkmate)
Level Beginner (b)
1. Rh1+ (Rook moves to square h1 check)                              2. Qg4+ (Queen moves up to g4 check)
3. Bc2 or f7+ (Bishop moves to c2 or f7 check)                      4. Qc4+ (Queen moves up to c4 check)
5. Nf7+ (Knight moves up to square f7 check)                         6. Rxg7+ (Rook captures pawn g7 check)
7. Qf7+ (Queen moves up to square f7 check)
Level Beginner (c)
1. Re7+ (Rook moves up to square e7 check)                         2. exf6+ (Pawn captures pawn f6 check)
3. Qxh7+ (Queen captures pawn h7 check)                             4. g4+ (Pawn moves up to g4 check)
5. Qxh8+ (Queen captures rook h8 check)                              6. Ne7+ (Knight moves up to e7 check)
7. Rxf8+ (Rook captures rook on square f8 check)
Level Intermediate (a) (Black to play)
1. Bxg2+ (Bishop captures pawn g2 check)                             2. Rg4+ (Rook moves down to g4 check)
3. Rxd1+ (Rook captures rook d1 check)                               4. Be3+ (Bishop moves down to e3 check)
5. Qb6+ (Queen moves to square b6)                                     6. Nh3# (Knight moves down h3 checkmate)
Level Intermediate (b) (Black to play)
1. Qxg5+ (Queen captures pawn g5 check)                            2. Ne2+ (Knight moves to square e2 check)
3. Qh2+ (Queen moves down to h2 check)                            4. Rf1# (Rook moves down to f1 checkmate)
5. Rxg2+ (Rook captures pawn g2 check)                             6. Bd4+ (Bishop moves down to d4 check)
7. Rg2+ (Rook moves to square g2 check)                            8. Nd3+ (Knight moves down to d3 check)
Level Advanced (a) (Black to play)
1. Qb7+ (Queen moves up to b7 check)                               2. e5+ (Pawn moves down to e5 check)
3. Qxh4+ (Queen captures pawn h4 check)                          4. e4+ (Pawn moves down to e4 check)
5. Ne8 or h5+ (Knight moves to e8 or h5 check)                  6. fxg4+ (Pawn captures pawn g5 check)
7. fxe2+ (Pawn captures knight e2 check)                            8. Rd3+ (Rook moves down d3 check)
Level Advanced (b) (Black to play)
1. Qxd3+ (Queen captures bishop d3 check)                        2. Qh7+ (Queen moves to h7 check)
3. Nf3+ (Knight moves down to f3 check)                            4. e4+ (Pawn moves down to e4 check)
5. b1+ (Pawn moves down to b1 check)                              6. Bf1+ (Bishop moves down to f1 check)
7. e5+ (Pawn moves down to e5 check)                               8. Re1+ (Rook moves down to e1 check)


Answers for Checkmate:
Level Beginner (a)
1. Bf6# (Bishop moves up to f6 checkmate)                   2. Be5# (Bishop moves down to e5 checkmate)
3. Ba2# (Bishop moves up to a2 checkmate)                  4. Bh5# (Bishop moves up to h5 checkmate)
5. Be3# (Bishop moves down to e3 checkmate)             6. Bxg7# (Bishop capture pawn g7 checkmate)
7. Bc8# (Bishop moves up to c8 checkmate)
Level Beginner (b)
1. Rh1# (Rook moves to h1 checkmate)                         2. Re8# (Rook moes up to e8 checkmate)
3. Rg8# (Rook moves up to g8 checkmate)                    4. Rg8# (Rook moves up to g8 checkmate)
5. Rh2# (Rook moves to h2 checkmate)                          6. Rg7# (Rook moves to g7 checkmate)
7. Rh7# (Rook moves up to h7 checkmate)
Level Beginner (c)
1. Rc1# (Rook moves down to c1 checkmate)               2. Rc8# (Rook moves up to c8 checkmate)
3. Ra2# (Rook moves to a2 checkmate)                         4. Rf8# (Rook moves to f8 checkmate)
5. Re8# (Rook moves up to e8 checkmate)                    6. Rag7 (Rook from a to g7 checkmate)
7. Rf8# (Rook moves up to f8 checkmate)                      8. Ra1# (Rook moves to a1 checkmate)
Level Beginner (d)
1. Ng6# (Knight moves up to g6 checkmate)                 2. Nf6# (Knight moves up to f6 checkmate)
3. Ng6# (Knight moves up to g6 checkmate)                 4. Nh6# (Knight moves up to h6 checkmate)
5. Nf7# (Knight moves up to f7 checkmate)                  6. Nf7# (Knight moves up to f7 checkmate)
7. Nxf7# (Knight captures pawn f7 checkmate)             8. Ng5# (Knight moves down to g5 checkmate)
Level Beginner (e)
1. Qg7orQh7or Qa8orQb8orQc8# checkmate             2. Qc2# (Queen moves to c2 checkmate)
3. Qh8# (Queen moves up to h8 checkmate)                 4. Qa1# (Queen moves to a1 checkmate)
5. Qg1# (Queen moves down to g1 checkmate)            6. Qg6# (Queen moves to g6 checkmate)
7. Qxg2# (Queen captures pawn g2 checkmate)           8. Qh7# (Queen moves up to h7 checkmate)
Level Beginner (f)
1. Qg7# (Queen moves up to g7 checkmate)                 2. Qf8# (Queen moves up to f8 checkmate)
3. Qg6# (Queen moves to g6 checkmate)                      4. Qxg6# (Queen captures pawn g6 checkmate)
5. Qh5# (Queen moves down to h5 checkmate)            6. Qh5# (Queen moves up to h5 checkmate)
7. Qh6# (Queen moves to h6 checkmate)                     8. Qh8# (Queen oves up to h8 checkmate
Level Intermediate (a)
1. Qa7# (Queen moves up to a7 checkmate)                 2. Bf7# (Bishop moves up to f7 checkmate)
3. Qb6# (Queen moves up to b6 checkmate)                 4. Nf7# (Knight moves up to f7 checkmate)
5. Qb7# (Queen moves up to b7 checkmate)                 6. Rxd8# (Rook captures rook on d8 checkmate)
7. Qxb7# (Queen captures bishop on b7 checkmate)  
Level Intermediate (b)
1. Rxa7# (Rook captures pawn on a7 checkmate)           2. Qb8# (Queen moves up to b8 checkmate)
3. Qh8# (Queen moves up to h8 checkmate)                   4. g7# (Pawn moves up to g7 checkmate)
5. Qg8# (Qeen moves up to g8 checkmate)                    6. Qd8# (Queen moves up to d8 checkmate)
7. Rc8# (Rook moves up to c8 checkmate)
Level Intermediate (c)
1. Qa5# (Queen moves down to a5 checkmate)              2. Nf7# (Knight moves up to f7 checkmate)
3. a7# (Pawn moves up to a7 checkmate)                       4. Be4# (Bishop moving up to e4 checkmate)
5. Qxb7# (Queen captures pawn b7 checkmate)             6. Re8# (Rook moving up to e8 checkmate)
7. Nf7# (Knight moving up to f7 checkmate)
Level Intermediate (d)
1. Qxf8# (Queen captures bishop f8 checkmate)             2. Qxf7# (Queen captures pawn f7 checkmate)
3. Rh6# (Rook moves to square h6 checkmate)              4. Qe6# (Queen moves to square e6 checkmate)
5. Nh6# (Knight moves to square h6 checkmate)            6. Qd8# (Queen moves up to d8 checkmate)
7. Qxa8# (Queen captures rook a8 checkmate)              8. Ne7# (Knight moves down to e7 checkmate)
Level Intermediate (e)
1. Qh8# (Queen moves up to h8 checkmate)                  2. Rh8# (Rook moves up to h8 checkmate)
3. Qxf7# (Queen captures pawn f7 checkmate)              4. Nc7# (Knight moves up to c7 checkmate)
5. Qxg7# (Queen captures pawn g7 checkmate)             6. g7# (Pawn moves up to g7 checkmate)
7. Rh7# (Rook moves to square h7 checkmate)              8. c8# (Pawn moves up to c8 checkmate)
Level Intermediate (f)
1. Qd6# (Queen moves up to d6 checkmate)                 2. Qe8# (Queen moves up to e8 checkmate)
3. Qg7# (Queen moves up to g7 checkmate)                  4. Qd6# (Queen moves up to d6 checkmate)
5. Qc8# (Queen moves up to c8 checkmate)                  6. Qf3# (Queen moves up to f3 checkmate)
7. Nf6# (Knight moves up to f6 checkmate)                   8. f3# (Pawn moves up to f3 checkmate)
Level Intermediate (g)
1. Qh6# (Queen moves up to h6 checkmate)                  2. f8# (Pawn moves up to f8 checkmate)
3. Bf1# (Bishop moves down to f1 checkmate)               4. Qf3# (Queen moves up to f3 checkmate)
5. Qd5# (Queen moves up to d5 checkmate)                  6. Qb1# (Queen moves down to b1 checkmate)
7. Qe6# (Queen moves up to e6 checkmate)                  8. Qe5# (Queen moves down to e5 checkmate)
Level Intermediate (h)
1. g8# (Pawn g8 promotes as a Rook)                             2. h8# (Pawn h8 promotes as a Bishop)
3. c8# (Pawn c8 promotes as a Knight)                            4. f8# (Pawn f8 promotes as a Rook)
5. c8# (Pawn c8 promotes as a Rook)                             6. a8# (Pawn a8 promotes as a Knight)
7. f8# (Pawn f8 promotes as a Rook)
Level Advanced (a)
1. Nc1# (Knight moves down to c1 checkmate)               2. Ne2# (Knight moves to e2 checkmate)
3. Rdxg6# (Rook from d captures pawn g6)                     4. Qg2# (Queen moves to g2 checkmate)
5. Qa7# (Queen moves to a7 checkmate)                         6. Bf7# (Bishop moves up to f7 checkmate)
Level Advanced (b)
1. Bxf7# (Bishop captures pawn f7 checkmate)                2. Qh7# (Queen moves up to h7 checkmate)
3. Bxe6# (Bishop captures pawn e6 checkmate)               4. Qh3# (Queen moves down to h3 checkmate)
5. Qc3# (Queen moves down to c3 checkmate)               6. Qxg8# (Queen moves up to g8 checkmate)
Level Advanced (c) 
1. Be7# (Bishop moves up to e7 checkmate)                    2. Ng6# (Knight moves up  to g6 checkmate)
3. Rd7# (Rook moves to d7 checkmate)                          4. Rd8# (Rook moves up to d8 checkmate)
5. Qxg6# (Queen captures pawn h6 checkmate)               6. Qg8# (Queen moves up to g8 checkmate)
Level Advanced (d)
1. Rb1# (Rook moves to square b1 checkmate)               2. Qd5# (Queen moves to square d5 checkmate)
3. Qh5# (Queen moves up to square h5 checkmate)         4. Be7# (Bishop moves up to e7 checkmate)
5. Ng5# (Knight moves up to square g5 checkmate)         6. Qh6# (Queen moves to h6 checkmate)
Level Advanced (e)
1. e5# (Pawn moves up to square e5 checkmate)             2. Qg7# (Queen moves up to g7 checkmate)
3. Qg6# (Queen moves up to g6 checkmate)                    4. Be5# (Bishop moves down to e5 checkmate)
5. Qxf7# (Queen captures pawn f7 checkmate)                6. Bc2# (Bishop moves down to c2 checkmate)
Level Advanced (f)
1. Qh5# (Queen moves to square h5 checkmate)             2. Nf4# (Knight moves down to f4 checkmate)
3. Qc5# (Queen moves to c5 checkmate)                        4. Qf5# (Queen moves to square f5 checkmate)
5. Rxg6# (Rook captures pawn g6 checkmate)                6. Nxg6# (Knight captures pawn g6 checkmate)
Level Advanced (g)
1. Qd8# (Queen moves up to d8 checkmate)                   2. Qd8# (Queen moves up to d8 checkmate)
3. Qxh6# (Queen captures pawn to h6 checkmate)          4. Qb1# (Queen moves down to b1 checkmate)
5. Qxh5# (Queen captures h5 checkmate)                       6. Bh8# (Bishop moves up to h8 checkmate)
Level Advanced (h)
1. Qd1# (Queen moves down to d1 checkmate)               2. Nf6# (Knight moves to square f6 checkmate)
3. Rh2# (Rook moves to h2 checkmate)                           4. Qg2# (Queen moves to square g2 checkmate)
5. Qh3# (Queen moves to square h3 checkmate)              6. Nf6# (Knight moves to square f6 checkmate)
Level Advanced (i)
1. Qh5# (Queen moves to square h5 checkmate)              2. Qxg8# (Queen capture rook g8 checkmate)
3. Qa6# (Queen moves to square a6 checkmate)              4. Qd1# (Queen moves to square d1 checkmate)
5. Qd5# (Queen moves down to d5 checkmate)               6. Nb5# (Knight moves to square b5 checkmate)
Level Advanced (j)
1. Qf6# (Queen moves up to c7 checkmate)                     2. Qg2# (Queen moves down to g2 checkmate)
3. c4# (Pawn moves up to c4 checkmate)                          4. Nh7# (Knight moves to sqaure h7 checkmate)
5. Qa2# (Queen moves to square a2 checkmate)               6. Nde3# (Knight from d to e3  checkmate)
Level Advanced (k)
1. Qxc6# (Queen captures pawn c6 checkmate)                2. Bb6# (Bishop moves to b6 checkmate)
3. Be5# (Bishop moves to e5 checkmate)                          4. Qf2# (Queen moves down to f2 checkmate)
5. Qg7# (Queen moves to square g7 checkmate)               6. Rg3 # (Rook moves to g3 checkmate)


Fork Level Beginner (a)
1) Rd7+ (Rook moves up to square d7 check)     2) Rd7+  (Rook moves up to square d7 check)
3) Re7+ (Rook moves up to square e7 check)      4) Bd5+ (Bishop moves up to square d5 check)
5) Be5+ (Bishop moves up to square e5 check)    6) Be5+ (Bishop moves up to square e5 check)
Fork Level Beginner (b)
1) Ne7+ (Knight moves up to e7 check)               2) Ne6+ (Knight moves up to e6 check)
3) Nf6+ (Knight moves up to f6 check)               4) Qe6+ (Queen moves up to e6 check)
5) Qe8+ (Queen moves up to e8 check)              6) Qa2+ (Queen moves to square a2 check)
Fork Level Intermediate (a)
1) Qd5+ (Queen moves up to d5 check)              2) Qh5+ (Queen moves up to square h5 check)
3) Bd5+ and Rd7+                                              4) Nd6+ (Knight to d6) and Nh4 (Knight to h4)
5) Re5+ , pawn c3  and Be5                                6) pawn b4, Rd5 and Be6
Fork Level Intermediate (b)
1) Qg5 (Queen moves up to square g5)                2) Qc4+ (Queen moves up to c4 check)
3) pawn b4 and pawn e5                                      4) Be5 (Bishop to e5)  and Ke3 (King to e3)
5) Nd7+, Qg3+ and Nf4 (Knight to f4)                 6) pawn b4, pawn d4, Nc4 and Bf6
Fork Level Advanced (a)
1) Qc2+                                                              2) Ng6+
3) Pawn b4                                                          4) Nf6+ (Knight to square f6 check)
5) Rxg6+ (Rook captures pawn on g6 check)       6) Rxf5+ (Rook captures pawn on f5 check)
Fork Level Advanced (b)
1) Bc4                                                                 2) Rd4
3) Qh5+ (Queen moves to h5 check)                   4) Pawn e3
5) Rd1+                                                              6) 1. ... Qxc3 then  2. Qxc3 Ne2+